11/12/24 08:10
Jesus threw out the money changers from the temple and it did this cosmically by His atonement and resurrection. Jesus urged that any who propose a door that it not Himself are thieves and robbers of life. Jesus leaves us in no doubt that to make any variation on Himself and His Living Way of being our life rob robs people of life. ‘Money Changing’ is any kind of ‘gospel’ that attempts to buy status and credibility for ourselves by stating that we have some addition to the Gospel of Jesus and the apostles.
Jesus said that communities that do this are paddocks of tares – crops that look like wheat but are devoid of substance. A tare is any seed that assumes ever so slightly that as a brand of Christianity it is a legitimate variation on the Gospel of Jesus and the apostles. There are not a plurality of gospels. There is but one Gospel of the Kingdom.
Just as we can become addicted to our own ideas so we can become captive to our own religious delusions.
There are no legitimate variations of the Gospel of Jesus, Paul and John. Only one that is the Christian doctrine of God. Sure, Jesus can be expressed in our own individuality or culture – but there is but one Gospel of the Kingdom. Not several. Paul warns us that ‘other gospels’ even if spread about by himself, angels or prophetic figures falsely so called. Gospels that are almost a gospel but not quite are identified as cunningly devised fables that have the power to delude the passive and those who are more comfortable in their delusion than they are in the simple truth of Christ in us and with us. Colleagues who make any simple task more complicated than it is, are irritating. Those who make the Gospel Jesus has given us convoluted when it is simple are more than irritating. Their mutant belief spreads a cancer in the Body of Christ.
We can if we are particularly obtuse, settle for the error in which we have always believed because it is comfortable and is a pleasant ‘opiate of the people’. But it dulls our spirit and befuddles our brain so that we lose spiritual discernment, becoming second rate thinkers walking in confusion and not at all like those who walk in Christ’s light and never in darkness.
Being busy in charity/mission work does not rationalise/excuse any accommodation to false doctrine since any distortion/half-truth extends a tincture of death into those who through no fault of their own embrace doctrines of demons disguised as ‘our perspective,’ and promoted by blind guides who have by choice and pride become immune to the light, truth and simplicity of Christ our life. ‘Blind Guides’ may be enclosed in an impenetrable shell that walls them off from God’s Spirit. Humility, the ability to listen and hear the truth are the only antidotes to this kind of delusion.